Enjoy The Autumn Scenery Without Sacrificing Your Comfort!

Now that another scalding summer has come and gone, you may be eager to get outside and enjoy a nature walk as the leaves begin to change. However, if allergies seem to follow you around all season long, it’s next to impossible to appreciate any fall colors or smell that freshly baked apple pie.

Your home should be a safe escape when your eyes begin to water or your nose starts to itch, but what do you do when your symptoms are just as bad indoors? Don’t let your home become a hotspot for irritating airborne particles. Follow these tips on how to rid your household of allergens!

UV Lights

If airborne irritants such as mold, dust and pollen are able to pass through your HVAC system, they can easily trigger fall allergies in your home. Kiss the headaches and sneezing fits goodbye with a UV purifier! These highly-effective devices are installed within your HVAC system and use ultraviolet light to destroy mold, mildew, bacteria, unpleasant odors and other particles before they can circulate through the air you and your family breathe. Stay one step ahead of fall allergies with efficient UV technology.


Mold is a primary source of indoor allergies. This is partially due to its capacity to spread quickly and the ability to survive in a variety of locations such as your basement, bathroom or a pile of leaves in your backyard.

Someone suffering from mold-related allergies may experience:

  • Sneezing
  • Watery Eyes
  • Dry Skin
  • Itchy Eyes, Nose & Throat
  • Stuffy Nose

Additionally, the presence of mold can further aggravate pre-existing respiratory conditions such as asthma. However, there are several simple actions you can take to prevent the spread of mold in your household.

The key to avoiding mold is moisture control. Therefore, you may want to consider checking around your home for standing water, using fans to dry out damp areas, removing any apparent mold using detergent and installing a dehumidifier. A humidity controller can regulate the amount of moisture in the air of every room in your home to ensure your humidity levels stay at an optimal 45-55%.

Get Particular About Your Particulates

If you’re looking for a way to keep allergens from circulating through your home, increase indoor air quality and diminish symptoms from asthma or allergies, a highly efficient air filter is a surefire bet! High-performance filters eliminate microscopic irritants including pollen, dust, dander and mold spores in order to provide your household with long-lasting allergy relief.

A few other benefits of a filter upgrade include:

  • Highly efficient: Your filter’s job is to guard the entryway to your home. Therefore, you want to make sure your unit will be able to catch most if not all passing irritants.
  • Put an end to symptoms: High-performance filters can reduce viruses along with other pollutants, keeping your household safe from all unwelcome particles!
  • No maintenance required: Even though high-performance filters use state-of-the-art technology, there’s no need to worry about tending to them apart from the occasional replacement!

If you would like to learn more about how to beat fall allergies this season, feel free to fill out a contact form on our website. Breathe Easy Air is more than happy to help in any way we can!